

We are wonderfully made with more bacteria than cells in our body and most of them play vital roles in maintaining our good health. Friendly bacteria reside in the mouth, the digestive tract, the vagina, and on the skin. The vast majority are beneficial. In the gut they provide essential bodily functions; we would die without them! Intestinal bacteria aid in digestion, keep the pH in balance, neutralize cholesterol and synthesize B- vitamins, including B12, vitamin K, thiamine, and riboflavin. Friendly colon bacteria keep dangerous bacteria in check and counteract the formation of cancer-causing substances.

The friendly bacteria coexist in large colonies in the intestine, overwhelming pathogenic bacteria and other organisms, or holding them in check. Their secretions maintain a level of acidity in which pathogenic bacteria cannot thrive, or in which their enzymes become inactive. Their components or secretions directly attack unfriendly bacteria. For instance, Lactobacillus acidophilus has an "antibiotic" component acidophyllin, which stops the growth of 27 different types of bacteria, 10 of which are common pathogens. By thriving and being present in large numbers the friendly bacteria monopolize food supplies to prevent growth of unfriendly bacteria.

The standard American diet with high fat, refined carbohydrates, hormone treated animal products, and low fiber promotes imbalances of colonic bacteria. All processed foods containing any preservative, the salt and commercial sugars used to make them taste good to us, salt, sugar and sugar substitutes; they are all the enemy of your friendly bacteria.

Antibiotics, RX and over-the-counter drugs, cortisone, hormones, birth control pills and especially long term antibiotic use are hazardous to the normal intestinal balance of bacteria. The friendly bacteria are killed off and in their absence the unfriendly flourish, culprits like Candida albicans, E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Clostridium, Staphylococcus aureus, and other disease causing bacteria. A common result is an overgrowth of yeast from the candida albicans, which is normally held in check by the friendly bacteria. Many researchers believe that candida overgrowth is an epidemic in our society and is responsible for a wide variety of problems, including degenerative diseases.

Why Do We Get Sick So Often? Medical researchers have proven that when the ecology of the intestinal tract is disrupted, beneficial micro-organisms can no longer flourish in needed numbers and proper balances. Harmful toxin producing bacteria and fungi begin to take over, further changing the ecology of the intestinal tract. Researchers now believe that this may cause up to 90% of all known illness and disease.

When the beneficial bacteria are destroyed the disease causing bacteria and other bad bacteria flourish and grow faster than the beneficial bacteria causing a host of problems.
sinus problems
chronic fatigue
breast pathology
failing memory
lowered immunity
eye, ear, nose & throat disease
cardiac irregularities
foul breath & body odor
stomach bloating
headaches and migraine headaches
liver & gall bladder problems
bladder and urinary-tract infections
chronic constipation
oral herpes
vaginal yeast infections
ovarian and uterine cancers
high estrogen levels
spastic colon
irritable bowel syndrome
colon cancer
hyperactive-attention deficit disorder
ear and respiratory infections in children.

In one study of a group of children suffering from symptoms of food allergies, all the children showed evidence of deficiencies of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria combined with pathogenic bacteria overgrowth. Almost all of the mothers had a long history of the symptoms outlined above; the candida passes from mother to child in the womb.

BIFIDOBACTERIA Several strains of the Bifidus bacteria; B.longum, B. bifidum and B. breve; are the main hard working bacteria colonizing the colon. Research has demonstrated they detoxify the human system, remove harmful substances and drugs and help convert harmful cholesterol to coprostanol which we then eliminate. Researchers now believe that declining levels of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract mark the onset of chronic degenerative disease. Unfortunately, the bifidobacteria decline drastically as we age and as we cause the acid/alkaline balance to change. Mothers milk has such high counts of bifidobacteria that more than 90% of the microbial count in breast-fed babies intestines is bifidobacteria, but only 20% in bottle fed babies. Babies with very high counts of the unfriendly bacteria are the one's with general bad health; ear infections, bronchial problems, throat infections, etc.

More than twenty years ago medical researchers inquired why the people in an isolated area of Japan had almost no incidences of life-threatening diseases. The common fact among all of these people was a high count of bifidobacteria in their digestive tracts. Bifidobacteria produce volatile fatty acids which provide great metabolic energy and they keep the bowels acidic which prevents the growth of the unfriendly bacteria.

The beneficial strains of L. Acidophilus, L. Salivarius, L. Rhamnosus and L. Reuteri all play important roles in the entire digestive system, beginning in the mouth and ending in the colon. They start by helping with the breaking down of nutrients into usable substances in the mouth and upper digestive tract, then with the production of vitamin K and B vitamins in the small intestines, and finally with the cleanup of fecal matter in the colon. They perform other health benefiting functions all along the way.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is best known for producing the enzyme lactase to aid in digestion of milk products and for the production of four powerful anti-microbial compounds which neutralize disease causing microbes like staphylococei and a long list of others. It also helps prevent cancer by controlling nitrosamines and keeps bile salts in a harmless form. The DDS-1 strain of L. acidophilus dramatically reduces serum cholesterol and inhibits the growth and toxin producing ability of 23 known disease causing pathogens, reduces tumor growth and neutralizes carcinogenic substances, according to the work of Dr. Khim Shahani, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Nebraska. He has further shown an anti-fungal and anti-viral activity to control the likes of vaginitis, flu, herpes and others.

Lactobacillus salivarius provides increased stores of energy by breaking down foods into vital nutrients and by it's ability to destroy energy robbing toxins. It neutralizes harmful ammonia chains and eats encrusted putrefactive materials and cleans the colon walls. Lactobacillus rhamnosus increases our resistance to monocytogenes- bacteria which cause encephalitis, creates antibodies to dramatically boost the immune system and increases immunoglobulins to resist and fight infections.

Lactobacillus reuteri protects against pathogenic invaders of the intestinal tract and controls levels of harmful microbes such as rotavirus and salmonella. It improves nutrient absorption and promotes healthy cell growth.

A substance known as FOS (fructooligosaccharides) is natural food for the friendly bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, and causes them to proliferate in the colon. FOS occurs naturally in Jerusalem artichoke flour and a few other foods.

Anyone experiencing health difficulties which might be from a lack of the beneficial bacteria should consider using a supplement like Rephe- Flora. Numerous reports from users attest to the many positive health benefits from Rephe-Flora.

Expect Positive Results Like:
Increase Energy
Improve Digestion
Normalize Bowel Movements
Reduce Constipation & Diarrhea
Reduce Allergies
Reduce Foul Breath & Body Odor
Minimize Colds & Flu
Reduce Blood Pressure
Weight Loss
Increase Immune Function
Lower Cholesterol
Reduce Yeast Infections
Reduce Acne
Reduce Sinus Problems
Reduce Asthma
Reduce Chronic Fatigue
Reduce PMS
Reduce Cardiac Irregularities
Reduce Gastritis
Reduce Stomach Bloating
Reduce Headaches and Migraine Headaches
Reduce Liver & Gall Bladder Problems
Reduce Arthritis
Reduce Bladder and Urinary-Tract Infections
Reduce Ovarian and Uterine Cancers
Reduce High Estrogen Levels
Reduce Colon Illness & Colon Cancer
Reduce Hyperactive-Attention Deficit Disorder, Ear and Respiratory Infections in Children.

The Reported Health Benefits Are Many.

B.bifidum, B.infintis,
L.acidophilus NCFM
L.rhamnosus, L.breve
L.bulgaricus, B.longum
L.acidophilus DDS-1
B.subtillis EB-1
B.subtilla EF-1
5% base of rice starch, ascorbic acid

Rephe-Flora probiotic cultures are made with more than
15 billion live bacteria per capsule

Suggested Use
One or two caps daily
30 minutes before breakfast

To order any of the items described in this website simply call us:


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The information presented by Nutrition 2000. including information on is intended for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific health conditions or symptoms. The statements made about the products of this web site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please consult your health care professional for suggestions and recommendations in using nutritional supplements.

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