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Candida Testimonials

Every day we talk with customers who are healing from Candida symptoms which include Chronic Fatigue, Yeast Infections, Bladder Infections, Irritable Bowel and Rashes to name just a few. We've published a few of them here for you to read. There are far too many every day to publish all that we hear, so this is just a sampling we share with you today.

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From: Lynne Smith


I have used these products and had a marvelous purging of yeast, but I stopped too soon and my tongue is coated again, so I need more please! I'm buying some too, but as I have candida severely I need a longer time at the program. This stuff is awesome! It worked for me!

Lynne Smith

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From: Sunny, Zack & Aly


My little girl, Aly, has autism. Autism brings many challenges, but one of the more unpleasant ones was "soiling" (small amounts of feces, almost constantly). In the scheme of things, this is obviously not the biggest problem, but it is one that can take the joy out of your day, every day... I didn't feel that that was God's plan for our lives. While shopping in a health food store, 30 miles from our home, I discovered an article about NUTRITION 2000 REPHE PRODUCTS. I read about some of the anti-candida products, and called to order. Frank & I spoke for about half an hour, and I just "unloaded" about our problem, (thanks Frank!). We were able to put together some things to help Aly, including REPHE FLORA, PUREAIDE, FOS, & CANDIMINT. The soiling stopped completely in about a week, also, after about a month, Aly became able to swallow the pills. NO more grinding pills, disassembling capsules, and trying to mask the taste with honey!!! THANK GOD,THANK GOD, THANK GOD!!! And thanks to Frank & All at Nutrition 2000!

Sunny, Zack & Aly

Kingfisher, OK

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From: Barbara Roper



I have been using the product, I don't know, maybe a month, and I am feeling much better. I am not fully rid of the yeast, as I am experiencing a yeast infection right now, however, many of the other symptoms are diminishing.


Barbara Roper

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