A message from Larry Pope, owner:
Your Grandmother or Great-Grandmother probably used the expression "Healthy Colon, Healthy Body. She was absolutely right. It is impossible the have good overall health without a decently healthy colon, and if you want to have a very strong immune system and resist every "bug" that comes your way, work on the colon first.
Our most recent experience in helping hundreds of customers deal with Colon Problems has shown that there is not one product to do the job. You must first realize that Colon Problems are often as difficult to deal with as many types of Cancer. If you are expecting help from one or two products, we just simply can't help you; please keep searching. Our "Minor Colon Protocol" of two silver living water, one Candimint and one 60 cap Rephe Flora is the least thing we can do to help you. Our "Regular Colon Protocol" of two silver living water, one Candimint, one 120 cap Rephe Flora and one Essiac Herbal Tea is the better thing we can do to help you see good results in 30 days. For those with serious Colon Problems and willing to deal with it seriously, our "Major Colon Protocol" adds GFM, Agape Living Water, Chlorella and two Healthy Mix Green. If you have additional complications with Mercury poisoning, Parasites, Cadmium, or other heavy metals, you will need additional products to deal with them: Metalmint & Chlorella for Mercury, Vermamint & Copper Living Water for Parasites and Selenium Living Water for Cadmium. The important thing is to get started and begin to get some relief.
Our best to you.
Larry Pope
Colon Related Symptoms:
Acne Adrenal/Thyroid Failure Asthma Bad Breath Bladder Infections Body Odor Cardiac Irregularities Cold/Shaky Chronic Fatigue Colitis Colon Cancer Constipation Diahrea Diverticulitis Dry Skin & Itching Skin Ear & Respiratory Infections in Children Finger/Toenail Fungus Food Cravings Foul Breath Fungal Nails & Toenails Fibromyalgia |
Gall Bladder Problems Gas/Bloating Gastritis Problems Headaches Heartburn Hemorrhoids Hormone Imbalance Hyperactivity Indigestions Infections Insomnia Intestinal Pain Irritability Irritable Bowel Syndrome Lethargic/Laziness Liver Problems Lowered Immunity Lupus Menstrual Problems Migraine Headaches Mood Swings Muscle Aches |
Over & Under Weight PMS PMS Symptoms Poor Memory Premature Aging Puffy Eyes Respiratory Problems Sciatica Sinus Skin Rashes & Hives Spastic Colon Stomach Bloating Suicidal Thrush/Gum Receding Ulcers Urinary-Tract Infections Uterine Cancers Yeast Infections No Sex Drive Over-all Bad Feeling |