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Causes of Prostate Cancer
HETE ACID- 5-hete and 12-hete acid are proven to be absolutely essential for PROSTATE CANCER. This is the fuel which feeds PC, if you shut it off, the cancer will die. Research by University of Virginia. They took PC cells and were able to stimulate cell growth by adding a particular byproduct of animal fat. This byproduct was arachidonic acid; they found that an enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase acted on arichidonic acid to produce 5-hete acid. When they blocked 5-lipoxygenase and thus the production of 5-hete, the cells died within a matter of hours. The protocol used by Nutrition 2000 limits the consumption on the fat which initiates this process; it also inhibits the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme. This is a very powerful assault on prostate cancer. Pygeum extracts are known to inhibit the proliferative effects of growth factors such as EGF, bFGF, and IGF-I. This activity was able to inhibit the prostatic growth in an animal model, even when the cells were stimulated to grow (29). This activity makes pygeum extract an excellent synergist with saw palmetto because routes other than the androgen receptor may stimulate growth signals. Additionally, Pygeum extracts antagonize the production of metabolites in the 5-Lipoxygenase pathway (30). This activity will further reduce the inflammatory process in the prostate. INSULIN/GLUCOSE FACTOR- According to researcher DR. McKeown-Eyssen these are two factors which influence PC growth.’YOUR GIVING CANCER CELLS AN OPTIMUM ENVIRONMENT TO GROW BY GIVING CANCER BOTH ENERGY AND GROWTH FACTORS’. He advised that you cut your intake of all sources of sugar and starches. Eat whole grains, complex carbohydrates and cut animal fat in your diet. A study reported on in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that men with insulance resistance had significantly higher risk of developing prostate cancer. In fact men with hyperinsulinimia and those with the highest waist to hip ratio had 8 times the risk for PC. Nutrition 2000 utilizes diet to control insulin and glucose.
DHT-(dihydrotestesterone) This is testosterone that has been acted upon by an enzyme
called 5-alpha reductase. DHT is a very powerful stimulant of prostate cell
growth, in fact DHT is up to ten times more powerful than testosterone. Another
effect of DHT is male pattern balding. A study reported in the journal Cancer
Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention found men with male pattern balding had a
50% higher risk of developing prostate cancer and that men 60 to 69 had almost
three times the risk of high-grade cancer. Many herbs can act to block 5-alpha
reductase; saw palmetto is one of the best. UC Berkley researchers found DIM, a
chemical found in cruciferous vegetables, inhibits the action of DHT and cancer
cells treated with DIM grew 70% less than untreated cancer cells. Pharmaceutical
companies have tried to formulate a chemical to do this, finastride is one
example. Test shows that saw palmetto is more effective and has no harmful side
effects. Yet another enzyme that causes DHT is prolactin. This rises in times of
stress, alcohol consumption and aging. Researchers at Georgetown were able to
kill cancer cells by blocking the signaling mechanism for prolactin, this is a
protein called Stat5. Melatonin has been shown to inhibit prolactin, although it
is produced as we sleep, it is a good idea to supplement with melatonin.
According to research done at USC, their conclusions about DHT were that it is
the strongest evidence we have relating PC to testosterone. Doctors have
resorted to castration in an attempt to control testosterone, when the evidence
points to DHT and not testosterone as a causal factor in prostate cancer. In the
study published in the online edition of FASEB (doi:10.1096/fj.03-1116fje) this
week, scientists from the leading vitamins firm DSM and the Charité Hospital in
Berlin describe how they fed rats lycopene, vitamin E, a combination of both or
a placebo mixture for four weeks, and then injected prostate cancer cells into
their prostates. These cancer cells grew into tumours in the following two
weeks. Feeding lycopene as well as vitamin E caused an enhanced killing rate of
tumor cells, which was shown by larger areas of dead tissue in the prostate
tumours. ECG and EGCG found in green tea inhibits 5-alpha reductase (5AR). Inhibitors of 5AR may be effective in the treatment of 5 alpha dihydrotestosterone-dependent abnormalities, such as benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer, and certain skin diseases. The green tea catechins are potent inhibitors of type 1 but not type 2 5AR; they also inhibit accessory sex gland growth in the rat. These results suggest the certain tea gallates can regulate androgen action in target organs. (Liao S, Hipakka, RA. Selective inhibition of steroid 5a -reductase [5AR] by tea epicatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications; 214(3), 833-838,1995).
Research from the National Cancer Institute, ITT Research Institute and NYU School of Medicine, all show that DHEA (a precursor for testosterone) may actually be used to fight prostate cancer. Nutrition 2000 prostate cancer protocol inhibits DHT. TESTESTOSTERONE TO ESTROGEN RATIO- Study after study has found a correlation between these two hormones to be a telling indicator of overall health in men, but especially indicative for prostate disease and cancer. As men age testosterone levels fall, this is caused by 5-alpha reductase and aromatase enzymes in part. Aromatase acts on testosterone to metabolize it into estrogen. A potent form of estrogen, called estradiol is one of the primary estrogens that is produced and it increases as men age. Estrogen is also produced by fat cells, it is ironic that estrogen is known to cause the body to store fat and then the fat makes more estrogen. One study reported in Journal of Clinical Oncology stated that obese men were at greater risk of developing more aggressive prostate cancer and that they were more likely to have a recurance. A problem faced by men today as never before, is that chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, household chemicals and even plastic is absorbed into the body and once there it mimics estradol. These are known as xenoestrogen’s and are proven carcinogens. The last source of estrogen we want to discuss is that which we receive by way of milk and meat. Farmers are giving livestock large amounts of estrogen as growth hormone to increase milk and meat production. Their residue’s are absorbed into our bodies when we consume them. This explains in part the correlation of both milk and meat consumption to prostate cancer. It is the dominance of estrogen which accumulates in a man’s body from estrogen via the breakdown of testosterone, production of estrogen by the fat cells, the effects of man made chemicals and heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium and the hormones we ingest via milk and meat, which act on the body as estrogen. This accumulation causes a shift from testosterone dominance in the body to estrogen dominance which causes much of the prostate issues and lack of virility in men today. A case in point is sperm counts; they are down in the average man by 25% compared to men 50 years ago. The protocol utilized by Nutrition 2000 balances testosterone and estrogen to bring men back into a normal hormonal level. OXYGEN- Dr. Otto Warberg,won two Nobel Prizes with his work showing the connection between oxygen and cancer When he took healthy cells and put them in a low oxygen environment, a strange thing began to happen, the cells would die or mutate into cancerous cells. When he increased the oxygen levels, they would (cancerous cells) die or revert back into the healthy cells they had once been. In his book “THE PROSTATE MIRACLE”, Dr Jesse Stoff stated that research shows that when cancer cells are put in a medium with energy rich ATP (cell fuel), the cancer cells will revert back to normal. This is because normal cells utilize oxygen combined with ATP (cell fuel) to create energy while a cancerous cell will use fermented sugar as its energy source. Cancer cells are referred to as obligate glucose metabolizers. This simply means that they metabolize sugar as their energy source. This feeding distinction is critical in understanding how to attack cancer. By increasing the oxygen levels and decreasing the glucose levels you make the growth and spread of cancer impossible. This is where your PH comes into play. When you hear of acid rain destroying and killing the fish in a pristine mountain lake, what is actually happening is that the fish have suffocated to death. The acid rain didn’t burn them up; it bound the lakes oxygen and made it unavailable to the fish. The fish couldn’t mutate to breathing anything else and so they die. If the PH of the lake is neutralized then it will again sustain life. When we eat and drink foods and beverages that are acidic it is the same as acid rain to the lake and our cells suffer from the lack of available oxygen. Dr. Warbergs research has been validated and has led to the findings that cancer will go into remission when the body PH gets to 7.4 and cancer cells will die at a PH of 8.4. This happens because an increase of 0.1 in PH will increase the available oxygen by a factor on ten. The best way to influence PH is through diet. You can help add oxygen to you body by deep breathing, this displaces carbon dioxide as well as furnishing oxygen. A moderate exercise program will help to oxygenate you as well as stimulate your lymph system. Part of Nutrition 2000’s program is a strong effort to bring your body into the proper PH and increase the oxygen levels to foster normal cellular growth. IMMUNE RESPONSE- NO ONE GETS CANCER WITHOUT HAVING A COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM. If you had any comprehension of the power you were given to remain healthy, it would astonish you. Daily, researchers are discovering the intricacies of our immune system, what empowers it and what disables it. First let’s look at what we can do on a purely physical basis to empower the immune response. If you have cancer, it would serve you well to get a recently published book describing the immune system and read it. There is no way we can even start to cover the intricate complexities and interrelations of the immune system, our aim is to encourage you to seek out this knowledge for yourself. We will mention two aspects that are vital; the first is the necessity of a healthy digestive tract. The digestive tract is the largest immune organ in your body, 60 to 80% of the lymph system is located in your gut. It is referred to as the GUT ASSOCIATED LYMPHOID TISSUE. If your gut is impacted with fecal material, fungal yeast overgrowth and pathogenic bacteria, not only will you compromise your immune response by limiting its capacity, you will stress it by forcing it to battle these germs and the toxins they release into your bloodstream. A clean colon is absolutely essential to your healing. This is harder to accomplish than it would seem, many people don’t even comprehend what normal bowel movements are, they have no idea that they have toxins like yeast and pathogenic bacteria, much less why and how to deal with them. Speaking of bacteria, there are two kinds and one is to be avoided, but the other is vital. How vital, without them we die and in insufficient numbers, you get sick. Supplementing with a probiotic (beneficial bacteria such as acidophilus found in yogurt) is a must. The second thing we want to touch on is nutrition. You can be overfed and undernourished, most people are. There is no possibility of defeating cancer without the right diet and the right supplementation program to support the immune system. Stress and negative emotions will also suppress your immune response. The protocol utilized by Nutrition 2000 works to clean the colon, acts to eliminate pathogenic bacteria, attacks fungal over growth and is anti viral as well. CADMIUM- cadmium is listed in the FEDERAL REPORT ON CARCINOGENS as a ‘known carcinogen’. Researchers at Georgetown University found that Cadmium mimics estrogen, in fact they state ‘cadmiums ability to functionally mimic estrogen is quite remarkable’. The study shows that cadmium has estrogenic effects on humans and animals alike. Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reported that cadmium disturbs a DNA repair system that is important in preventing cancer. If the cells DNA are damaged by free radicals, for example, the cell would be unable to repair the damage and an error would be made when the cell replicated itself and a mutated cell would take the place of the once normal cell. What we have shown said Dr. Gordonin, one of the lead researchers on the study, is that environmental factors such as cadmium can cause high levels of mutations not only by damaging DNA but also by inhibiting DNA repair. With relatively little exposure to cadmium, a living cell may increase its rate of mutation drastically- as much as 2,000 fold. Another troubling finding of the research is that cadmium also inhibits a gene which the cell uses to suppress a cancer cell; this is known as gene suppressor p-53. When this occurs a mutant cell is allowed to grow. We are all exposed to cadmium, as 15,000 tons of it is produced every year. It is commonly used in batteries, fertilizer, paint pigments and as late as 1997 as a fungicide for grass. It is still used today as a deicer. Cadmium is also found naturally occurring in the soil but it is in cigarette smoke and industrial waste that we are most affected by it. It is in our food and water supply and once we ingest it, it will take 20 years for just half of it to dissipate and we are continually being contaminated. When you consider the tens of thousands of chemicals that are in our environment, it is no wonder that cancer rates are skyrocketing. What have you really accomplished by removing one cancer and leaving the cause of the cancer in your body. Apple pectin, calcium, magnesium, selenium, chlorophyll and EDTA chelation therapy have all been shown to be effective chelators of cadmium, lead, nickel and petro chemicals from the body. In addition Nutrition 2000 has a homeopathic product called Metalmint which is an excellent chelator of metals. Heavy Metal Elimination: A paper presented at a medical conference (on alternative medicine) sponsored by the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society in San Francisco (Feb. 26-28, 1999). The paper was focused on methods to encourage your body to excrete toxic heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium. There were a number of promising treatments discussed, one of which was vitamin C. It wasn't necessarily the most effective treatment in all cases, but it was found to be significantly effective in mobilizing such toxic metals out of the cells and causing them to be excreted in the feces. Since such toxic metals could be a root cause for genetic damage, causing anaerobic metabolism and thus cancer. Removing them from your body could help in the prevention of cancer. Other efficient chelators of chemicals and metals are N-Acetyl Cysteine, selenium and Alpha Lipoic Acid which promotes the synthesis of glutathione in the body. PCB’S (chemicals)- The EPA reports that there is no pure body of water in the North American continent! It is all contaminated with man made chemicals, even glaciers and aquifers deep in the ground. We are being poisoned as we speak. The air we breathe is the same air that was in some third world country or passing over some industrial smoke stack yesterday. When it rains, the pollution it has absorbed is deposited into the surface and ground water. When we drink any unfiltered water, the chemicals that has been absorbed, accumulate in our bodies and at some point impact our health. Water is the natural solvent, it will absorb anything it comes into contact with, take water and tea leaves and what do you have? How about coffee, Clorox or gasoline? The only way to get clean water is to filter or distill it. One chemical that is particular worrisome is PCB’s. Research reveals that pcb’s will significantly inhibit testosterone. To make matters worse they too act as xenoestrogens and will bind with the hormone receptor sites on the prostate and in the tissues of the testicles. In fact, research reveals that in some cases testosterone is displaced by pcb’s in over 50% of the available binding sites in the bodies of some men. Another aspect of chemicals is the impact they have on our immune system. Glutathione levels are impacted adversely as just one example, cancer will not grow in the presence of glutathione. Belgian researchers found men who spray pesticides are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer and research by U.S. Government reports that men exposed to agricultural chemicals such as chlorinated pesticides and methyl bromide were at greater risk as well. We all have exposure and much of it accumulates in our body until it reaches levels which trigger a reaction. It is therefore imperative that we avoid and cleanse ourselves periodically to lessen and at least minimize their impact on us. The liver is the primary detoxification organ of chemicals, Milk thistle will protect the liver from these chemicals so that it (liver) can render these carcinogens harmless ship them out to the colon for export.
Exposure to mercury is one of the most toxic substances you can be contaminated
with. It has horrendous effects in the entire body, but it has a special
affinity for the nervous system. Mercury has been linked to dementia, depression
memory loss and the inability to make a decision to name but a few of its
effects on our cognition. Many researchers believe the problem of mercury to be
so pervasive that everyone is at risk. As it relates specifically to the
prostate, according Dr. William G. Drew, “it (mercury) is involved in almost all
problems related to the prostate gland”. He goes on to say that it is the
leading cause of impotence in men. If you have amalgam fillings, you have toxic
exposure to mercury. For years the medical community has supported the use of
amalgams as safe, but in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many
are now realizing the harm that has been done. A Swedish study published in
EPIDEMOLOGY 11-2000, showed that people with amalgams, who chewed gum had twice
the amount of mercury in the blood as those who also had amalgams but didn’t
chew gum. It is imperative to rid the body of mercury. This can be accomplished
thru an oral chealation program. Two primary sources for accomplishing this are
Chlorella selenium, mega doses of vitamin C and Nutrition 2000’s Metalmint. This
may explain in part why you are 63% less likely to develop prostate cancer if
you supplement with selenium. N-Acetyl Cysteine- NAC facilitates the excretion
of Arsenic from the body [affected by chronic Arsenic poisoning have been saved
from death when administered NAC upon arrival at hospital]. VIRAL INFECTION- Researchers at the University of Michigan have concluded that there is at least a contributing role played by virus in the formation of prostate cancer. One virus that shows up in a very high percentage of men with prostate cancer is the virus called BK. Researchers have theorized that Bk may infect a healthy prostate cell and then it will produce an antigen called Tag. This antigen it is believed contributes to uncontrolled growth in what was a normal cell. Another study, conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, reported that the Herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) was found at much higher levels in men who had prostate cancer than those who don’t. FUNGAL INFECTION- In her book THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS, Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., makes the argument that a combination of chemical solvents such as propyl alcohol and alfatoxin B mold are primary growth factors for cancer. That by eliminating these you can stop the growth of cancer. Foods that you should avoid are beer, peanuts, over ripe fruits, fruit juices and bulk grains (foods from grains such as cereal, flour and corn meal). She also points out the need to kill off fungal overgrowth in the gut. A byproduct of the Penicillim mold is a mycotoxin called patulin, it has been shown that patulin will inhibit the body’s Tumor Necrosis Factor(TNF). TNF is an immune response to a mutant cell and is usually quite adequate to eliminate a cell before it develops into a tumor. The Parathyroid gland will normally make TNF, but not in the presence of patulin. Apple juice has been tested to have 1 PPM of this known carcinogen. If you have or want to avoid cancer, you must produce TNF and to do this you must eliminate toxins and chemical solvents. In another book written by Ronald Gdanski, CANCER - CAUSE, CURE and COVERUP, he postulates that cancer is the result of an injury to the body in the presence of fungus. The fungus triggers a growth response to this area, which results in cancer as the body tries to repair the injury.. We would refer you to these books and especially the work of Dr. Clark. Candida yeast infections are very toxic, there are 79 known toxins which are released as a byproduct of Candida’s metabolism, this is analogous to eating a poisonous mushroom for lunch each day. These toxins impact the immune system and overwhelm the liver. In addition to the toxins, the metabolic waste is very acidic and this effects your PH. and
radiation risky, panel says July 3, 2005
Radiation treatment for prostate cancer can lead to rectal cancer CONCLUSION- If your doctor tells you no one knows why we get cancer, they are either lying or ignorant. The research is abundant and conclusive. Granted, the specific reason why you have cancer may remain a mystery because you likely have several of the factors that have been noted. Therefore, doesn’t it make sense to address as many possibilities as you can to make sure you do hit and eliminate whatever the cause of your cancer may be? Even if you radiate or remove one cancer, but do nothing to address the cause, what have you really accomplished? In fact Swedish researchers found a significant liklehood that not only is prostate cancer likely to return, but men who have prostate cancer are more likely to develop a second primary cancer somewhere else in their body. NUTRITION 2000 has a protocol to attack prostate cancer on all fronts and the results from thousands of men attest to the effectiveness of this approach.
Watch, Fight and Pray: This book
provides a powerful message that prayer changes things. Dr. Lonnell
Johnson personal testimony provides a unique strategy of faith, prayer along
with our Prostate Cancer Protocol allowed him to defeat prostate cancer.
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