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The Cancer & Health - Nutrition Information
LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE AND LET MEDICINE BE THY FOODPro 15:17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.
Daily discoveries are being made around the world which proves that vitamins, minerals and food compounds have the ability to both prevent prostate disease and to actually target and kill cancer cells. Many of these nutrients are needed in therapeutic doses, amounts which make it necessary to isolate these compounds and take in supplement form. This said however, we simply don’t know enough about all the properties of a particular plant to isolate one or two compounds and get the synergistic effect of the whole plant. There are over 20,000 known bioflavonoids and 800 carotenoids, of which only a hand full have been studied. This makes it very important not to rely on supplementing alone as the answer to your nutritional needs.
Please use organically grown produce and beef that has been grass fed whenever possible. Having said that however, you can utilize your local grocery for this program.
AMINO ACIDS Amino acids are the building blocks our bodies rely on. The body uses twenty two amino acids, it gets from the protein we eat, to construct over fifty thousand protein structures. More than five thousand amino acid complexes are used by the immune system. Glutathione for instance is composed of three amino acids and is one of the bodies’ primary means of controlling free radicals which damage the cells of the body. Whey protein taken as one tablespoon of cottage cheese will increase the glutathione levels in the prostate by 60% and this is only one of the 5,000 protein structures the body utilizes in the immune response. It is extremely important to completely break down the protein we ingest into individual amino acids; this can happen only if adequate protease enzymes are present in the digestive tract. Partially digested protein is known as peptides. Peptides severely limit the body’s ability to fully utilize protein so make sure to get enough enzymes in your diet. Protein does have a down side in the fact that it acidic, sugar, simple carbohydrates, alcohol and soft drinks are also acidic. Ideally, our diets should be 20% acid forming foods and 80% alkali forming. Just one soft drink per day or a meal with little vegetables and a large piece of meat can cause our body’s to become so acidic that it creates an ideal environment for cancer and other degenerative diseases. We therefore caution that you get adequate protein in the diet, but excessive amounts are to be avoided, as are the use of other foods which are acid forming to us.
Recommended protein foods: Lean cuts of beef (preferably grass feed), chicken and turkey (limit any fat from meat fed with grains such as corn and wheat), wild game, cold water fish, beans (any plant based protein), eggs (especially omega 3 enriched), soy milk (all soy products), goats milk, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, nuts and protein supplements/ amino acids. # limit meat to the size of a deck of cards with each meal.
Protein foods to avoid: Pork, fatty cuts of domestic livestock, dairy, most cheese and peanuts (alpha toxin mold). DO NOT BURN OR COOK MEAT AT HIGH TEMPERATURES.
FATS A shift that is taking place is the recognition that fats are essential for us, every cell uses fat for the structure of the cell wall. The body utilizes fat for many other purposes and should be furnished from a number of sources in order to insure that the many and varied needs for fats are being met. Cod liver oil and flax seed oil are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids which are absolutely essential for good health. Other sources of omega 3 are wild game, grass fed cattle and cold water fish. Due to the pollution of all bodies of water, all fish have some degree of contamination. Mercury is at the head of the list and large ocean dwelling fish have toxins such as mercury, the larger the fish the more it is contaminated. Be careful that you don’t consume fish without taking selenium, a mineral shown to chelate mercury and other heavy metals. Many contaminants we consume act as xenoestrogens and should be removed regularly. An excellent way of getting omega 3 fatty acids without getting the contaminants is to take a quality cod liver oil. We would also refer you to the research of Dr. Joanna Budwig, she used flax seed oil and cottage cheese with great results in treating cancer. Another reason for consuming omega 3’s with epa’s and dha’s is they help inhibit the cox 2 enzyme, which causes inflammation, a contributing factor in prostate cancer. Omega 6 fatty acid is essential as well and can be obtained from borage oil, evening primrose oil, corn oil, soybean oil and any meat which has been grain fed. Unlike omega 3 oil that most people are deficient in, the average person gets too much omega 6 fatty acid and this causes unpleasant reactions in the body. Too much omega 6 has also been linked to cancer, as it is metabolized into 5-hete acid. Many researchers feel 5-hete is a primary fuel used for tumor growth. As with most nutrition, the body needs the correct ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 to function best. This ratio should be no more than 4 grams of omega 6 to 1 gram of omega 3. The average American has a ratio of 40 to 1. To further add insult to injury, there are several sources of omega 6 that we are not getting, such as evening primrose oil, these sources provide components of omega 6 which are beneficial but not found in grains. Almost all omega 6 we get comes from corn, wheat or soybean. One component of omega 6 we get from grains, is metabolized into archidonic acid. An enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase (5-lo) is used to metabolize arachidonic acid into the aforementioned 5-hete. Other oils such as olive and canola for example are very nutritious and should be incorporated into the diet. Many of these are Omega 9. We will not take the time here to get into the debate about the saturation of oils, but we do believe that if you limit your intake of omega 6 and use olive oil for cooking and salad dressings, you will be much healthier. The Mediterranean Diet is recognized as being very healthy, it uses fish, vegetables and olive oil as the main staples. Caution should also be taken to keep fats from going rancid. Just as precaution should be taken prior to consumption, taking antioxidants to protect fats in the cells and fats found in the blood stream is just as important. This can be accomplished with colorful fruits, berries and vegetables as well as antioxidants in supplement form. One last caution about fat, and that is heterocyclic amines. When you super heat any oil (frying), or when you char meat on the grill, you alter the composition of the fat into these compounds (heterocyclic amines) which are known carcinogens.
Recommended oils: Cod liver oil- Since 1987, laboratory studies have repeatedly illustrated that DHA and EPA slow or arrest the growth of human prostate cancer cells. Researchers showed that this growth arrest is associated with decreased conversion of arachidonic acid to its potentially damaging metabolite 5-hete, flax seed oil, olive oil, Smart Balance Spread, butter (use sparingly), grape seed oil and virgin coconut oil.
Oils to avoid: Any oil with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, corn oil, soybean oil, lard, any oil which has been used for frying and margarine.
VEGETABLES, FRUITS and NUTS Vegetables, grains and sugars are our source of carbohydrates; the body utilizes carbohydrates primarily for energy. The main problem with carbs is that we have abused them. Processing of grains, refining of sugars and juicing of fruits causes the rapid absorption and conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. This elevated glucose enters the blood stream and causes the body to release insulin in order either to drive the glucose into the cells to be used for atp (energy) or to be stored for later use as fat. Sugar and insulin are closely linked to prostate cancer and problems only occur when excess is involved . When the modern American diet is consumed, excess is inevitable. This makes the elimination of sugar, high glycemic fruits and fruit juices essential, as is elimination of other simple carbohydrates such as flour, white rice, white potatoes and most breads. Another problem with carbohydrates is that when they are heated to high temperatures in the cooking process, they form a carcinogen known as acrylamides. When eating fruits, vegetables or grains, it is a good idea to eat with as little processing and cooking as possible. This helps preserve nutrients and enzymes. There are exceptions, vegetables can often be juiced to remove fiber and increase the available nutrients, and tomatoes which have been cooked will have more available lycopene content than fresh tomatoes. A good salad dressing to use is flax seed oil and cottage cheese, noni juice might also be added to the mixture. Soy should be incorporated into your diet, a study done at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa Florida is just one which shows that consumption of soy fights prostate cancer. Their study shows, in 69 percent of the men taking soy, PSA levels either dropped or remained stable. Twenty percent had a three-point-reduction in just three months.It is also a good idea to eat some olive oil or flax seed oil with each meal or supplement. A recent study conducted by Wendy White, associate professor of food science and nutrition at Iowa State University, shows that eating salad vegetables with some added fat promotes the absorption of lycopene, alpha- and beta-carotenes, all of which aid in the fight against cancer and heart disease. On the flip side, eating a salad completely devoid of fat deprives your body of these beneficial substances. Likewise, you can eat a handful of carrot sticks, but without the accompanying ranch dressing or dip, your body can kiss the beta-carotene goodbye. Another wonderful benefit of vegetables is their synergistic value. Simply put, they work better together than they do in isolation. In a study, published in the December 2004 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, rats fed a combination of tomatoes and broccoli had markedly less prostate tumor growth than rats that ate diets containing either food alone – and also less tumor growth than rats who ate diets containing specific cancer-fighting substances isolated from tomatoes and broccoli. This also creates a problem for researchers who have been taught to isolate a substance to test its efficacy. Studies that examine individual substances in isolation are simply not designed to tell us anything about the interactions that occur between those substances, much less between foods that each contains their own anti-cancer arsenals. Our recommendation is to incorporate those foods that have been shown to fight prostate cancer, but do not neglect to maintain other fruits and vegetables which might also add to and support such vegetables as carrots, cabbage and tomato.
Recommended vegetables: Eat all with exceptions listed below, Especially important are cabbage and cabbage juice (especially cabbage juice),all cruciferous vegetables as well as sprouted broccoli seeds, garlic, tomatoes ( paste and sauce especially), millet (millet has vitamin B17) and brown rice. Lightly steaming vegetables is better than cooking at high temps. Much more of the nutrients are made available by steaming and eating raw. One Recent Review Paper: (Craig WJ, "Phytochemicals: guardians of our health" J Am Diet Assoc 1997 Oct;97(10 Suppl 2): S199-204) "The foods and herbs with the highest anticancer activity include garlic, soybeans, cabbage, ginger, licorice, and the umbelliferous vegetables (caraway, carrots, celery, dill, parsley). Citrus, in addition to providing an ample supply of vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and pectin, contains a host of active phytochemicals. The phytochemicals in whole grains reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Vegetables to avoid: corn (especially corn meal), wheat (especially white flour), white rice, white potatoes and limit carrots to 3 per 8 oz glass of juice. Eat all the carrots you desire. The sugar content of the carrot juice is the only concern. Do not use microwave to cook vegetables as test show almost all of the nutrients are destroyed by this cooking method. Herbs and Spices: Eat any herb or spice you want. Try to get 3 cloves of garlic per day and pungent onions raw and cooked. Ginger root is very important as is hot peppers. Research shows that curry powder or tumeric has curcumin which is a potent flavinoid against prostate cancer. Use this whenever you can on wild rice or in soups. Recommended fruits: all berries, Red raspberries have been shown to be very effective against PC. You can get the same benefit from them fresh, frozen or cooked. Research showed that 1 cup per week stopped prostate cancer growth. Blue and Black berries are a close second to red raspberries, lemons, whole oranges (one per day max), grapefruit, apples (one per meal) and any other high fiber low glycemic fruit, make sure to eat them whole in order to retain the fiber and slow absorption of sugar. Most of the nutrients that come from fruits are found in the skin and the seeds. Do not peel an apple unless you are eating the peel and throwing the pulp away.
Fruits to avoid: all fruit juice, high glycemic fruits (peaches and tropical fruits for example) and melons (cantaloupe are fine to eat) Cancer cells metabolize energy almost exclusively from glucose, unlike a normal cell, it does not need oxygen and utilizes anaerobic metabolism. Since it is so inefficient compared to aerobic metabolism, cancers have a voracious appetite for glucose to sustain themselves. This is why excess consumption of sugars tends to promote cancer growth. Avoid simple sugar as table sugar or fructose found in fruit juices. Recommended Nuts: Bitter Almonds and Apricot Seed, they are great source of vitamin B17 or laetrile which has been purported to be anti tumor, sweet almonds (this type is found in most stores), walnuts and Brazil nuts most recommended with exception of peanuts, all others are permissible. Don’t Skin Almonds Eat lots of almonds with their brown skins intact. When almonds are blanched to remove their skins, they lose up to 80 percent of their antioxidants. Nut power is concentrated in the skins. People who ate almond skins showed higher blood levels of antioxidants and increased protection against “oxidation,” a factor that promotes heart disease. — Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., Tufts University. MOST OF THE PHYTONUTRIENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE FOUND IN THE SKIN. Nuts to avoid: peanuts, they have alfatoxin molds
Recommended breads: Ezekial (sprouted grain), soy bread (research showed it to cut psa)
Breads to avoid: all breads (especially those made with white flour), crackers and chips
BEVERAGES The body is estimated to be 70% water and staying properly hydrated is extremely important. If you are not consuming adequate amounts of pure water you must start immediately. Tap water is most definitely not pure; it has more chemicals, heavy metals and bacteria than is safe for a healthy person, much less someone with a health challenge. Many researchers feel that chlorinated water is unsafe to drink, bath in or even to breathe (steam). We recommend that you get a whole house water filter and a reverse osmosis filter for your drinking and cooking water. There is some controversy as to whether distilled water is good for you over the long term. This is due to the fact that water is a very strong natural solvent. This means that it will try to absorb anything it comes in contact with, if you add sugar to it, it becomes sweet or add tea leaves and you get tea. When water comes into contact with even minute traces of a chemical compound such as a pesticide or herbicide and you get water with the ability to give you cancer. Distilling water can remove any suspended particulates from water to make it pure, but it then becomes what is termed as hungry water and it also becomes acidic, around 5.5 ph. We would highly recommend you to add a liquid mineral complex such as Agape Living Water or add enough baking soda to neutralize the ph and lessen waters likelihood of leaching vital minerals from the body.
Recommended beverages: water that has been thru a reverse osmosis filter, distilled water (distilled water is especially good for cleansing), black tea, green tea, ginger tea, essiac tea, soy milk, goats milk raw organic cow milk and vegetable juice (especially cabbage). If you are habited to coffee, one cup per day is allowed, provided you add enough baking soda to neutralize the acid.
Whether you have a health challenge, or you want to maintain your health, diet is a critical component in your overall strategy. Eating the right foods, properly prepared can be a tremendous ally or the wrong foods can actually make you sick. Clean water is just as important. Digestive enzymes are another factor to consider. Until a food has been properly digested it will not aid your health. One last nutrient you need to be concerned about is salt. You are an electrical being, when electricity stops you die. Your bodily fluids have the same salinity as the ocean and it is vital you get enough salt (sodium chloride) to maintain this salinity. The problem arises with what is sold to us for salt. It has been striped of all nutrients except sodium chloride and additives are added to allow it to flow. We recommend your return to a more natural salt to meet your requirements for this vital nutrient. Books have been written on each of the topics we discussed here and this information should be only a rudimentary understanding of what you need to do in order to be and stay healthy. It is more than a little coincidental that the foods listed in the bible are being confirmed today by new scientific methods as being healthy. Many herbs and oils the bible mentions are also being proven to have medicinal value. In closing, do not forget the words of Hippocrates, the acknowledged father of modern medicine, who said LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE AND LET MEDICINE BE THY FOOD.
JUICING We recommend detoxification drinks utilizing a variety of vegetables which have a powerful effect on the body's recuperative powers because of the rich array of easily absorbed nutrients. Fresh juices contain proteins, carbohydrates, chlorophyll, mineral electrolytes and healing aromatic oils. But most importantly, fresh juice therapy makes available to every cell in our bodies large amounts of plant enzymes and phyto nutrients, which are an integral part of the healing and restoration process. Green Drinks, Vegetable Juices & Blood Tonics: Green drinks are a vital component to the success of every cleansing program. The molecular composition of chlorophyll is so close to that of human hemoglobin that these drinks can act as "mini-transfusions" for the blood, and tonics for the brain and immune system. They are an excellent nutrient source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes. They contain large amounts of vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, pantothenic acid, folic acid, carotene and choline. They are high in minerals, like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and manganese. They are full of enzymes for digestion and assimilation, some containing over 1,000 of the known enzymes necessary for human cell response and growth. Green drinks also have anti-infective properties, carry off acid wastes, neutralize body pH, and are excellent for mucous cleansing. They can help clear the skin, cleanse the kidneys, and purify and build the blood. Green drinks and vegetable juices are potent fuel in maintaining good health; yet don't come burdened by the fats that accompany animal products. Incorporate cabbage, kale or broccoli into your juicies.
TIPS ON JUICING PROGRAM- You get about 30% of available nutrients from eating a fresh vegetable and much less if you don’t chew your food well, as much as 90% of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phyto compounds are available when you juice. 1) We highly recommend cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli. The goal is to drink 3 glasses per day. Even 1 will be of tremendous benefit. 2) Use carrots, except in very moderate amounts as it is high in sugar content and will trigger insulin release. Use no more than 3 per 8 oz glass of juice. 3) Do not use fruits to juice with. The same reason as is given for carrots. A few grapes or a fourth of an apple may be used if you cannot tolerate the taste of vegetable juice alone. Remember that cancer is a sugar feeder and fructose found in fruits is as bad as table sugar and SUGAR FEEDS CANCER!. 4) Broccoli sprouts are up to 100 times more potent in key nutrients than mature broccoli or cabbage. Use broccoli sprouts in salads and juice them after they are a few days old. Mix them with whatever vegetable you are juicing. You can get broccoli sprouts from the store or better yet, sprout your own. Make sure to use only organic seeds certified for sprouting. You might go to the library or purchase a book on sprouting. 5) To enhance the taste of cabbage, you can add some kale leaves. Kale is as beneficial as cabbage and you will probably enjoy the taste better than cabbage alone. 6) You might add vegetables such as cucumber, celery, turnips, spinach, green onion, peppers (hot or sweet), alfalfa sprouts or wheat grass to your cabbage juice. Don’t add more that 1/2 of any one or combination of these other vegetables to the cruciferous (cabbage or broccoli) juice. 7) To enhance the juices detoxifying effect for heavy metals, add some cilantro or parsley. (preferably clintro) 8) Try not to juice more than you will drink in a 24 hour period. Store any juice that you do not intend to consume immediately in an air tight container, preferably a glass jar. By putting it in the freezer until it has almost frozen and then putting it in the refrigerator, you will slow down the degradation of the juice. 9) If you use cabbage juice for 30 days, it is a good idea to switch vegetables for a week or two. The long term use of any one vegetable can cause you to become allergic to it. This is not likely but is something to consider. 10) Juicing is messy and time consuming, it may not taste as well as we would like, but there is nothing you can do that will have a greater impact on your health. You get vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals, chlorophyll and most important you get phyto nutrients and enzymes in large enough amounts as to be therapeutic. When you juice with cruciferous vegetables, you get nutrients such as sulforafane and indole compounds that have been proven to be deadly prostate cancer fighters. If pharmaceutical companies could patent these compounds and sell them, they would be hailed as modern marvels and they would charge you $100.00 per capsule. 11) If you don’t have a juicer (go get one), but in the mean time you can get some of the nutrients by boiling the vegetables in water and then drinking the water after the vegetable has been brought to a boil for at least 5 minutes. In fact, it has been shown that the water soluble nutrients such as the phyto compounds are leached out into the water by as much as 95%. You will kill the enzymes and you will not get nearly all the other nutrients in this manner.
SPROUTS Sprouting seeds neutralizes acids and enzyme inhibitors which makes seeds and grains hard to digest. Sprouting also increases vitamin and protein levels in the seed. Broccoli for example has many times more sulforapane in sprouts than is in the mature stalk and broccoli sprouts have high levels of the cancer fighting compound IP6 (Inositol Hexa Phosphate) Tips for sprouting 1) start with clean seed and or raw nuts 2) place seeds in a glass jar and fill no more than 1/3 with seeds There are sprouting trays you can purchase as well. 3) cover seeds with filtered water ( fill jar ½ full) 4) cover mouth of jar with clean piece of nylon panty hose 5) Let seeds set for 24 hours, drain water, rinse and invert the jar so that it drains 6) At least once a day, you will cover seeds with water, let stand for 5 minutes and drain 7) the seeds should sprout in 3 to 5 days 8) Use sprouts and start a new jar in a couple of days so that you have sprouts coming off as you need them. After sprouts are 4 days old, you can juice what you have left for a very nutritious drink.
FLAX SEED OIL RECIPIES Some research has shown flax seed oil to be harmful when taken alone, this is due to the fact that lipids are only water-soluble and free-flowing when bound to protein; thus the importance of protein-rich cottage cheese. When high quality, electron-rich fats are combined with proteins, the electrons are protected until the body requires energy. This energy source is then fully and immediately available to the body on demand, as nature intended. 1/2 cup of Red Raspberries Fresh or Frozen
Enough Soy milk to make a glass full
How to prepare 'THE
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