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Nutrition 2000® - Pancreatic Cancer Protocol



Nutrition 2000 has worked with people around the world with pancreatic issues.  Our Pancreatic Cancer Protocol is designed not only for client's diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer with/without metastasis.  Our consultants also deal with numerous individuals that have become refractory to conventional cancer treatments. 


Our Protocol includes a set of instructions on how/when to take products as well as a booklet outlining the role of each product.   Upon receipt of the Pancreatic Cancer Protocol, we ask that clients read over the material before calling with any questions.  Consultations are FREE, therefore, once you start the Pancreatic Cancer Protocol, we encourage client's to call/email us as often as needed, but recommend clients stay in contact every 10 to 12 days.  Our goal is to make sure that clients are taking products and following their diet correctly.  A


The initial cost of the Pancreatic Cancer Protocol for the first 30 days is $485.35 (not including shipping) and will be approximately the same for the NEXT 30 days. After 60 days, we will want to review your progress and will likely put you on a maintenance program that will average around $85.00 per month.  I invite you to contact one of our in-house consultants should you have any questions concerning the Pancreatic Cancer Protocol by calling our toll free number is1-800-558-9697(US Residents) or 1-334-347-7900 (Non US Residents).


Cancer is a disease which results only after a failure of the immune system. AIDS victims don’t die of aids, they die of something a healthy person with a fully functioning immune system would have been able to fight off. The immune system can be overwhelmed with pathogens, chemical exposure or it can be missing key nutrients which it needs to function. For example, the immune system takes less than two dozen amino acids and can make over 5,000 different protein structures with which to fight off infections and eliminate cancer from your body. A shortage of just one essential amino acid will severely limit the number of immune structures the body can make. Needed also are other nutrients which enable your immune system to fully engage cancer. A shortage of one will again limit your immune response and enable a tumor to grow and spread in your body .

Cancer needs a body which is acid, the reason is simple. Cancer metabolizes energy differently than a normal cell. A normal cell needs fuel that the body metabolizes from the food you eat, it is referred to as ATP. Another thing a normal cell needs is oxygen. Think of your car, it needs gasoline and it also needs air. A dirty or clogged air filter will cause your car to run poorly and eventually stop. Now think of a rocket, it won’t run on gasoline and doesn’t need oxygen, if it did then it would die and fall back to earth as soon as it left the atmosphere. Cancer operates in tissues that are void of oxygen and an acid body provides such tissue. A case in point is acid rain that is created by industrial and automobile emissions. These wastes create the acid rain that falls on the pristine lakes of
Canada and Alaska and kills the fish. The rain isn’t acid enough to actually burn the fish however, what it does is acidify the water enough that the oxygen is bound to the water molecules and the fish suffocate from lack of available oxygen. Dr. Otto Warberg won two Nobel Prizes for showing that oxygen levels could determine the fate of healthy cells. If the oxygen levels get too low, sometimes they die but sometimes, they adapt to their environment and become cancers.

The body has an estimated 100 trillion cells that needs an array of nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes and hundreds if not thousands of phyto chemicals called flavanoids. In order to get the nutrients needed to regain optimal health one has to consume foods with these nutrients in them, To get these nutrients, you have to do more than eat 3 squares a day. Eating properly is the foundation but you must juice and supplement your diet to have any chance of getting all the nutrients you need to regain your health.

You are toxic. All of us are. Studies show new born babies have high chemical exposure even before they are born. We are being bombarded with thousands of chemicals. They are in the air, water and food. Many have never been tested for safety and many are known to cause cancer and are illegal to use. That doesn’t mean you aren’t exposed to them. DDT was banned 50 years ago but it is commonly found in tissue samples because it and most other chemicals take decades to breakdown. They eventually find their way into our water and food. The EPA states that there no sources of clean water in the northern hemisphere. Then there are microbes such as bacteria, viruses and fungus that are found in our bodies by the trillions, they must be controlled and eliminated and then there are parasites. Think you don’t have parasites, think again. All of us do, not only do we have large ones in our bodies that can be seen but we have microscopic ones that come from water, pets, vegetables and the meat we eat.

nce the body is brought into a proper Ph, you must breath in enough fresh air via brisk exercise and eating foods which have a high chlorophyll content for starters. This also helps eliminate carbon dioxide waste which is acidic and it enables the lymph system to function. It bears repeating that oxygen is essential for normal cellular metabolism and it acts in a very detrimental fashion toward tumors. The problem with oxygen is that its like fire, it has a dark side. It will cause damage to cells by producing an oxidative response known as free radicals. Again, the good lord has provided a natural response in nutrients we refer to as antioxidants. These must be consumed or the DNA of the cell may be damaged to the point that it will produce a cancerous cell.

Research from around the world has shown that you don’t have to slash, poison and burn cancer to kill it. A shark is deadly, but it needs a certain environment to survive. Put it in fresh water and it will die, cut it off from its source of food and it will die, catch it and put it on the deck of a boat and it will die. Research has shown and thousands of men can attest that tumors can shrink and the body can eliminate them. Literally hundreds of herbs, vitamins, minerals and natural chemical compounds have been proven to halt the growth and cause the cancer cell to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis. We are not claiming to cure cancer, just reporting that scientist from around the world say that natural compounds can. It must be noted that in many cases, a tumor may become undetectable after someone has undergone medical and or the approaches we employ to fight cancer, only to see another tumor return. Anyone who has or has ever had a tumor large enough to be detected in their body must be forever vigilant for its return. It does stand to reason that a body which eliminated a tumor utilizing its God given power and having a functional immune system with plenty of oxygen and antioxidants is less likely to have another one than the body who killed his tumor via poison (chemo), fire (radiation) or slashing (cutting out with a scaple). That body has not eliminated any toxins, it has not increased its oxygen levels, it has not empowered its immune system. It has left in place the very conditions which fostered the development of the first or primary tumor.


  1. DIET
    Click here to to learn more about which foods to avoid.

    It would be nice and convenient if you could get everything you need for optimal health from your local grocery store but this is impossible. To get the nutrients such as essential fatty acids, minerals, herbal compounds, enzymes and thousands of Gods specially formulated chemical compounds (phyto chemicals), you have to supplement your diet wit these nutrients. Our program starts by providing over two dozen of the highest quality nutreceutical formulations from around the world. So what is a nutreceutical?
    A nutreceutical is a food substance or part of a food that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention or treatment of disease. They are naturally occurring compounds found in plants, alga's, microbials, and other biological sources that support specific bodily health functions. Nutreceutical are thought to have their greatest influence in preventative medicine (I.e. cancer) and for the treatment of chronic diseases. By eating the foods we recommend and taking the supplements we provide, you will literally consume thousands of nutrients each day which will support your effort to heal like nothing else you can do for yourself. Doesn’t it stand to reason that your body has the intrinsic ability to heal itself? You grew from two cells into 100 trillion by eating and drinking and breathing! How many times have you been sick and you just got well, how many cuts and scrapes that just healed. Ever had a broken bone? Your body is miraculous beyond your ability to understand, it is not a machine that needs parts changed when they wear out. Your body is self regulating and healing providing it is given the opportunity. If you need a complete list of the NUTRITION 2000 PROTOCOL, contact a consultant at

    Fill bathtub with hot water, as hot as one can tolerate to get into.  Pour 3 cups of Epsom Salt into tub along with a 16 oz. bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide (the whole bottle). Also add 1 small bow of Baking Soda into tub.  Stir and sit in tub until the water starts getting cold (approximately 15 to 20 minutes).  Do this every day for 10 days straight, then do it every other day until further notice. This will help eliminate toxins, raise your Ph and you will absorb beneficial nutrients such as magnesium. This will also give you an opportunity to pray and meditate.

    Drink three 8 oz. glasses of freshly prepared vegetable juice per day, more if you desire. If you don’t have a quality juicer, we highly recommend you go to a retail outlet that sells them and purchase one. A good one sells for around $100 and they are indispensable to this program and to your health. Even if you thoroughly chew your vegetables, you only get less than 50% of the available nutrients, by juicing you will get over 90%. You will also get more nutrients by avoiding the bulk of the whole vegetable. It is true that you will lose the fiber but you should get more than enough if you follow the program. Go to our home page and click on Prostate Nutrition to get instructions on the juicing program and the vegetables to use.

    Exercise with moderation, movement, oxygen intake and sunshine is the goal. Do what you are able, try to break a sweat and increase your respiration. Sweating will help kill microbes, it is an artificial fever and this is why the body produces a fever in the first place. The movement will enable the lymph system to circulate and eliminate its store of toxins. You will be oxygenating the body and expelling carbon dioxide in the process.

    Try to incorporate this into your exercise program, you need to absorb sunshine. Research shows you get more vitamin D conversion, with sweat on your skin. Prostate cancer is often referred to as a Vitamin D deficiency disease. The less exposure to the sun you get, the greater your risk of getting prostate cancer.

    Hundreds of studies show prayer and/or meditation is good for your health. You will live longer if you are active in your church according to research, it was reported that people who attend church at least once per week have a 25% lower mortality rate than those who don’t. Lone wolves are not as likely to survive any life threatening illness as those who have a good support system of friends and faith that all things worketh for the good of those who love the lord and are called unto his purpose.

  8. WATER
    Drink only distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water while on the protocol. Reverse osmosis is usually identified as purified, according to EPA every natural source of water in North America is contaminated. You can add 1tbs spoon of baking soda to 1 gal of distilled water to raise the PH. You cannot reach your PH goal by drinking acid water. Caution should be taken not to drink alkalized water with or just before a meal, as it will neutralize stomach acids and impair digestion. Plenty of water will not only hydrate the cells of the body, but it will aid in the elimination of toxins and enable the blood to bring vital oxygen to the tissues.

    We don’t necessarily recommend that you remove amalgam fillings, because of the risk of doing more harm than good, but we do strongly suggest that you have your teeth cleaned, fill any cavities and avoid root canals. These are a major source of infection entering the blood stream. Any sign of tooth or gum infection should be dealt with as you are constantly swallowing saliva that will carry this infection into your blood stream and cause the immune system to work overtime to eliminate these toxins. This also results in elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and explains one reason why periodontal disease could be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a new study in the Journal of Periodontology. Periodontal disease may cause oral bacteria to enter the bloodstream and trigger the liver to make proteins such as CRP that inflame arteries and clot blood, which can lead to heart attacks. CRP levels identify those patients whose inflammations systems respond most actively to stimuli.

    Research is being conducted from around the world and new discoveries in treatment modalities for both the prevention and treatment of Pancreatic Cancer are constantly being made and reported on the internet, medical journals, books and news releases. While we don’t have research facilities, we do have access to many of them through the information they release. We also have developed professional relationships with many doctors and research scientist from around the world. When new research is made known to us and we verify that it is beneficial to you, we alter the protocol to reflect these new findings. We have a report on research highlights and findings which show hundreds of nutritional compounds to be effective in the prevention and treatment of Pancreatic Cancer.

HOW TO ENROLL IN THE NUTRITION 2000 PROTOCOL- You can fill out an assessment, this is located on the home page, a consultant will contact you, or   contact a consultant by dialing 1-800-558-9697 and a consultant will enroll you over the phone.

HOW LONG DOES THE PROTOCOL LAST- The initial phase of the program is 30 days, this is the most intense phase of the program.

The next 30 days (day 30 thru day 60) is usually less intense. Depending on  your individual condition, adjustments will be made to suit your individual circumstances. We work with some clients for a few months and have been working with others for years.

WHAT SIDE EFFECTS SHOULD BE EXPECTED- If you have cancer, you are full of toxins. These can be microbial or chemical in nature. As you release these for eliminationfrom your body, you might feel some nausea or mild flu like symptoms. These should pass in a few days. Call us if they persist as you might be detoxifying too rapidly. You can also expect some rather remarkable positive effects that are not related to cancer, these are things like lower blood pressure, better cholesterol readings, lower C Reactive Protein levels, lower homocysteine and weight loss. Many men report less pain from arthritis and cancer related pain, more energy and vitality. These are normal responses and you should not be surprised when you get similar results.


For More Information or to speak to a Consultant, call


Watch, Fight and Pray:
My Personal Strategy to Combat Prostate Cancer

By Lonnell Johnson, Ph.D

This book provides the powerful message that prayer changes things.  Dr. Lonnell Johnson's personal testimony provides a unique strategy of how faith, prayer along with our Prostate Cancer Protocol allowed him to defeat prostate cancer. 
Read more about this book



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